Spring has moved into summer officially by date, but the weather hasn’t taken note of the change over. Except for a few days where sitting out was a fine event, it has been raining and the temperatures dropping at night. Plants and flowers have been slow to sprout but the tress are a flourish with greenery. Of course the fastest growing plant on our acreage turned out be the hay crop. The hay is not a crop anymore as it is filled with weeds but can grow very high and swallow up our horizon. The constant rain and even thunder showers has prevented bush hogging so we are late getting to the cutting. We have one section completed and now the lawn area is growing and the whipper snipping on the edges hasn’t been taken care of because of the delays. If the sun would come out and celebrate the summer arrival, the catch up wouldn’t seem to be so tremendous while we soak up some rays.
The garden begins |
First flowers in hospital |
George lost in hay |
The garden was also late in the planting with frost warnings hanging on well into the season. My daughter got her plants in finally and is still planting when she saw that the click bugs that harassed her root crops last year had returned with vengeance. Trying to remain with an organic garden I think she has resolved she may need some stronger attempt at ridding them this season. She has removed the sweet potatoes which seem most vulnerable and planted them in bins. It is to be hoped that she can beat this attack of nature as she did last year and see some successful growth.
I didn’t get as many flowers out this year. The garden plot in front of the house suffered from ice as it was more concave than a mound. Some bulbs and seeds are coming up now but the middle area will probably have to be dug up and have soil added and replanted. Whether there will be time for that is questionable. I suspect with me recuperating from surgery and unable to help, we may be waiting for next year to repair this winter’s damage. I did mange to get some pots of flowers planted before going to surgery and they have bloomed to my expectations. They are giving me pleasure during my three weeks into my convalescence. I know next year will be a more fruitful time for the bushes and flowers when I come back to the gardening. Meanwhile I enjoy watching the tractor work in the fields and wait for my daughters produce from the garden.
Ready for July 1 |