Monday, 15 April 2013

The Long Winter Slips into Spring

A New Season Reluctantly Arrives

My wrist free from a seven week cast, I am strengthening the arm to pick up my work where it was last left due to injury. With the stronger sun I can sense the warm days just barely from reach as a few icy blasts hang on to the old season. The fields are yellow with just a few patches of snow and the water gurgles along the ditches and streams. 

Crazy Deer
The deer were playing in the fields recently, springing high and running in circles and I guessed that was their way of kicking up their heals in celebration of the new season arriving. Birds are more active in number and a new hawk with a brighter orange tail has set up his territory here. 

My daughter has begun the garden seeds in trays around the rooms in the house and we are talking about bringing the deck furniture out and purchasing a few options for them. Tires will be exchanged in the next few weeks signaling the official end to winter. I am already sporting some new sneakers. My spouse is discussing getting my bronze casting equipment out to repair the furnaces and get then ready for a new season of bronze pours. I am back on the Nova Scotia Rally Map so expect some visitors and the bronze is always a highlight. My studio sign will be ready to place for the first time next to the drive coming up to the house.

Having met some of my local peers in this last month, I am in my first exhibition and had an article in the newspaper. I also was focused in a live auction event in the nearby university. So I am feeling at home in our newly adopted area, and expect to see my new colleagues more often during the summer. I am waiting on visits from my old friends also. We will both be going into our second summer season here with a more relaxed and familiar attitude enjoying the best of what we were introduced to last year.

There is still plenty of work to do in our new home. The basement was stalled so a fresh attack on getting the walls and floors together there will be an activity for my spouse. We will have to call on our plow man again to refurbish the driveway. It stood up well for the winter but two flood and ice days did wash out some areas and a new surface in a few spots will be required.  We will be waiting for the height of the hay to determine a call on the bush hog again. This year we may cut a little more into the second field so we can walk further to that tree line. Meanwhile, my camera will be nearby as our old residents return to our 49 acres.
New Hawk

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